Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral from my doctor for speech and language services?

No. You can self-refer at any time.

When should I see a Speech-Language Pathologist?

You know your child the best! Seek advice any time you are worried about your child’s development. The earlier you seek help the better! Please book a free 10 minute consultation to discuss your concerns and we can decide whether further assessments are required.

What are your fees?

Our rates are based on the recommended hourly rates issued by Speech Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) and will be discussed at your initial inquiry.

What are normal speech and language milestones?

Please see the communication checklist through Early abilities for a list of norms for each age:

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Are services covered by OHIP?

Private speech and language services are not covered under OHIP.  To access free Government funded speech and language services please visit Early Abilities at:

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These services are available for children up until the year they enter Junior Kindergarten. Free services are also offered within the school system. Please be aware that long wait times are common and it can be necessary to use a hybrid of both private and public services.

Are services covered by my extended health benefits plan?

Most extended health benefits plans do cover some of the costs associated with Speech-Language Pathology services. Please check with your provider to determine how much coverage you have.

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